Welcome to our temporary Oriented Meteorites page !

We did select few specimens from our personal collection
Please enjoy !
 send any comments at:  comments@meteorite.fr
Visit our web sites: www.meteorite.fr     www.archeologie.fr  and www.fossile.fr

Oriented meteorites for sale

Oriented Gao Oriented NWA
New Howardite under publication, very nice flow lines...
Our best oriented Taza, a perfect nose cone !
two flat oriented NWA, lot of bubbling
An oriented Zag, note the thick lip on the back
Thick lip on the Agoult Main Mass Flow lines on a new AEUC-P NWA1109
our biggest oriented Taza
flow lines on Bouvante AEUC Stannern Trend Bubbling on a flat NWA
Flow lines and lips on a new AEUC-C

Two small Taza buttons

a nice NWA

A nice nose cone (NWA but type 3....)

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Oriented meteorites for sale
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